While week three was about how to use shutter speed, week four was about aperture. For these shots we were focusing on how to use the different F stops and which ones to use with the type of photo we wanted to take.
For this first shot we used the apertures F16 and F3.5. It is quite obvious that the second image has a better quality to it because it is not overexposed in the sunny day.
For this second image we used the zoom lens and the aperture settings to take the photo. The zoom lens is at 70mm and the shots are taken at F11 and F4.5, and once again we see that the smaller aperture number took the best shot.
This image we were using a prop in front of our subject and using different focal lengths and apertures. In the first image, Caitlin is not focused on, but the camera on the tripod is. This shot was taken at a 50mm zoom and F11 aperture. The second image is the opposite and the tripod is what is in focus and Cailtin is seen more in the background out of focus. This image was shot at 50mm zoom again but at the F4.5 aperture setting.
This final image of this weeks task was to have Caitlin's palm in focus of this image at different aperture settings. The first image was taken at F11 and appears to be overexposed and in the second image, taken at F4.5, her hand appears normal in color and distinctly in focus while her face is out of focus and covered.
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