Wednesday, September 12, 2012

For week two, we once again found ourselves in the photo lab without a camera. We were still learning some of the easy and basic tools of photoshop, and today's lesson was on how to use the healing brush and clone stamp tool on an image to get rid of spots in a photo.

In the first image, we were told to use the healing brush to first remove all of the excess spots that are seen in the left image. In the second we were told to remove the shadows that are seen on the wall in the background. The first task of removing the spots was much easier in my opinion than in removing the shadows.  I personally found that trying to remove the shadows proved to be very difficult the closer to the table I was because sometimes it would smudge a black line across the the image. However, in the end I was finally able to successfully use the tools to get rid of the shadows in the second image without a visible smudge.

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