Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week five came around, and we were given a little more freedom with the types of shots we took. In lecture earlier that day we had learned a little about different styles of photography and about specific photgraphers, one being Rodchenko in particular. So playing with both aperture and shutter speed, we were told to go out and take photos of either a stationary object or a person at different angles and heights.

Near the beginning of this shoot, I was taking photos of Caitlin once again, but decided that they were not turning out the way I wanted them to. On accident, my gaze fell upon this faucet that was on the side of a building and thought that it would be fun to take photos all around it. I found that i was able to focus on many different facets of this faucet and the images were very good. Once in the lab, I was able to play with the hue/saturation of all the images and was able to come up with this final image that reminds me a little of Warhol's Marilyn Monroe photos.

The second image in this task, I went back to using Caitlin as my model. For this image, we were told to take a photo up against a plain background, so that we were able to select the model and paste into a new image where you were then able to flip and make a mirror image next to the original.  This photo makes Caitlin look like she now has a twin sister.

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